
Who Needs To Take Immigration Physical Exam?

According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), all applicants who are filing for an adjustment for a greencard / lawful permanent resident status must submit a Form I-693, which needs to be filled out by a designated civil surgeon— Dr.Syed Nadeem Ahmed. This process is called an immigration physical exam. This examination is required to establish that the applicant is not inadmissible to the United States on public health grounds.

This physical exam is very complex and only a handful of USCIS designated civil surgeons perform the exam. You may have to see our civil surgeon multiple times before completing your I-693 form.  

Immigration Physical Exam
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Time-frame to complete I-693

It may take one week to several weeks before we complete the I-693  form. If everything is straight forward (mean not complicated exam), the turnaround time for I-693 form is a week.


Documents To Bring

You need to bring several documents with you for your immigration physical exam. 

Here is the list:

  • Valid passport or government-issued photo ID;
  • A copy of your vaccination record with evidence of immunizations such as COVID-19 Vaccines, Flu, DT, DTP, DTaP, Td, Tdap, OPV, IPV, MMR, Hib, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, varicella, pneumococcal influenza, rotavirus and meningococcal disease;
  • Form I-693, Report of Medical Examination, and Vaccination Record (if adjusting status);
  • Report of the condition and any special education or supervision requirements (if anyone in your family is immigrating with learning disabilities);
  • A list of your current medications;
  • TB certificate from your doctor if you were diagnosed and properly treated;
  • A certificate of clearance if you have been diagnosed and treated by a doctor or health official with syphilis;
  • If you have a history of harmful or violent behavior, you must provide information that can help the civil surgeon determine whether the behavior was psychiatric or medical in nature, or the result of drug or alcohol abuse.
  • If you have been treated or hospitalized for any psychiatric or mental illness, you must provide written certification including diagnosis, length of treatment, and prognosis.

Reasons of Failure of Immigration Medical Exam

The following communicable diseases that may cause an applicant to fail an exam include:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Syphilis
  • Gonorrhea
  • Leprosy
  • Quarantinable diseases designated by a US Presidential Executive Order
  • Events reported as a public health emergency to the World Health Organization

Health-related waivers may be available for some of these diseases. Visit the CDC website to learn more.

Validity of Immigration Physical Exam Results

Once your exam is complete, you must submit your results to the USCIS. Your exam results are valid for two years from the signature date.